Can I try the software?

Yes, PVSketch is free to sign up at any time and we offer 7-day free trials for PVCAD, PVSketch Mega, and PVCAD Mega. Please contact us here to start a free trial today.

Does PVComplete offer free software?

Yes, central to our mission is providing easy-to-use, intuitive tools to welcome more people to the solar industry. Our web-based layout tool, PVSketch is free to sign up and provides users the ability to create new solar designs each month. We have had over 25,000 free accounts created all around the world helping solar enthusiast

Why PVComplete?

Our name is PVComplete because our goal is to be the “Complete” solution to your technical solar development needs. Our software is built for all design and engineering use cases across the web and CAD environments and for residential, commercial, and utility scale solar. At our core, we are solar developers building tools for other

Who is PVComplete and where is the company located...

PVComplete is a full service software platform to help you develop, design, and engineer your solar project. We have offices in Berkeley, CA and in Porto, Portugal and remote employees all across the United States. We have 4 software products – PVSketch and PVCAD built for distributed generation solar development, and PVSketch Mega and PVCAD

Where can I learn about PVComplete and get help?

Please the below FAQs and the Product Documentation pages in our Help Center.